Public Speaking
You’ve just stood up and are walking towards the front to deliver your speech…. that important sales pitch, the teacher’s introduction to a group of new students, that best-man speech…
You’re probably imagining you’ll feel incredibly nervous. But what if you didn’t?
What if you could trust in your voice and felt sure of yourself?
What if you were confident that it would go really well?!
Public speaking is a something most of us are required to do at some point in our lives, and yet it’s not something many of us have had any training in. This can evoke feelings of fear, and make it difficult for us to really convey what we mean or obtain the reaction that we want from our audience.
Borrowing tools from voice work and actor training, there’s a few simple but highly effective techniques we can employ that can take your speech to the next level.
Let’s get you feeling vocally confident!